Saturday, 21 February 2015

How to create a stand out profile

Did you know that one in three couples now find their soul mate online? In this fast-paced, social media-dependent world, we rely on the Internet for everything - from keeping in touch with old school friends and career networking to ordering takeaways and finding a pet-sitter for that weekend away. So, it seems logical you would use the good old Internet for finding that special someone, too.
That said, the world of online dating can be scary if you've never tried it before, so here are our top tips for making the most of your profile and spotting a great potential partner.


1. Ask your friends for help: Get a friend to help you write your profile. Sometimes they know you better than you know yourself.

2. Think of something interesting that could be a conversation starter.

3. List sociable hobbies: ‘People have to imagine how they’ll fit into your life, so describing yourself as a “bookworm and internet addict” makes them feel they’d never see you,’ explain some relationship experts. ‘Play up your love of anything sporty, outdoorsy or public – like concerts and exhibitions.'

4. Choose action shots: Wouldn't you know, profile photos that demonstrate you playing your guitar or downhill skiing – even if your face isn’t showing – get more messages.

5. Stay positive: Avoid negative tones and always be positive about yourself. Your profile is essentially your dating CV. You wouldn’t want a future employer to read anything negative, so why would you want a potential partner to read anything that isn’t positive?

6. Be specific: Talk in specifics to give a full flavour of who you are. If you love travelling, say where your favourite place is and why. Anything concrete like this brings you alive to anyone reading.

7. Say cheese: In a recent poll, we found that 96 per cent of people would rather see a big, happy grin in a profile photo than a sexy pout.

8. Choose recent photos: If they are more than a year old, don’t use them. One of the most frequent complaints about online dating profiles is “they may have looked like that once but they certainly don’t look like that now”. Looking better in the flesh is better than the reverse.

9. Keep it short and sweet: ‘You wouldn’t introduce yourself to someone in a bar with your entire life history, so don’t do it online,’ say dating experts. 'Women have a tendency to write too much because we enjoy reading long profiles. Men are not like us! Imagine you are doing an icebreaker introduction where you have to sum yourself up briefly.’

10. Have fun: Most people want to find someone who can make them laugh, so show people you have a sense of humour. If you can make someone laugh, it’s a great icebreaker and could get your conversation off to a great start.

Is if you are looking for a smart, successful man, we have thousands on our website. Creating your profile is free, send us an email on so we get you started. Remember 'A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step'.

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